mercredi 3 février 2010

Broda Barnes, MD, sur la toxicité des gras polyinsaturés

Via 180DegreeHealth, et tiré du livre 'Solved:The Riddle of Heart Attacks' (1976):

“It is a sad commentary on the American scientist that the potential danger of unsaturated fats had to be brought to their attention by an abnormal number of cases of cancer in
patients receiving diets high in unsaturated fats for the prevention of heart disease. In 1971 a report by Pearce appeared in Lancet, vol. 1, page 464, entitled, ‘Incidence of Cancer in Men on a Diet High in Polyunsaturated Fat.’ Why was this article sent to England where unsaturated fats have never been popular? Was it refused publication in American journals? It seems strange, but regardless, there has been an attempt to sweep this information under the rug… there were almost twice as many deaths from cancer in the group on polyunsaturated

p. 71
“It seems foolish to administer a poison (unsaturated fat) requiring an antidote (Vitamin E) for neutralization; it would appear more logical to avoid the unsaturated fats in the first place.”

p. 71
“In 1967 Norkin reported more cirrhosis of the liver in rats fed corn oil than in those fed a saturated fat, coconut oil.”

p. 73
“…unsaturated fats hasten aging of the skin, are toxic to both animals and man, and furthermore, that the use of such diets has not prevented heart attacks.”

p. 72
“Now 19 years after the warning that unsaturated fats might cause cancer, polyunsaturated fats are being thrust upon the public by the press, radio and TV. Similar evidence from a pesticide, a
food additive, or a pollutant in the environment would call for immediate action with cessation of the use of the suspected item until it was proven safe.”

p. 73
“The American Cancer Society was shocked at a 5 percent rise in cancer the first seven months of 1975 when a one percent had been anticipated. In the frantic search for causes of the rise in cancer certainly the increasing polyunsaturated fats for the past 25 years cannot be neglected. The housewife followed the scientists’ advice 25 years ago when the circumstantial evidence indicated that heart attacks might be avoided by crowding in more polyunsaturated fats and avoiding animal fats. Now it is apparent that the saturated fats were not causing the rise in heart attacks… The evidence that the polyunsaturated fats are toxic and may cause cancer is not theoretical; it is far more conclusive than the evidence that saturated fats were causing heart attacks.”

p. 74
“It is time for the housewife to make another decision. Can she afford to continue the unsaturated fats with their demonstrated toxicity and run the risk of cancer in her family? It was difficult to deny the members of the family their eggs, bacon, etc., but mothers have a way of achieving a desirable change. Now she has found that a mistake was made and she should be just as eager to reverse her stand and prevent some new tragedies. It will be hard to ignore the propaganda that the saturated fats cause heart disease. That propaganda will stop abruptly when the housewife passes up the unsaturated fats and fills her basket with cream, butter, eggs, lard, fat meat, and the other goodies which the family has been craving. The propaganda for unsaturates is perpetuated only by the vested interest of the manufacturers. The few pennies saved on the budget by purchasing cheaper margarines and oils may be a poor investment compared to the prolonged and horrible death from cancer. If the polyunsaturated fats are safe, let the manufacturers prove it on animals before a new plague develops from the false statements that unsaturated fats will prevent heart attacks.”

“Everyone should have the privilege of playing Russian Roulette if it is desired, but it is only fair to have the warning that with the use of polyunsaturated fats the gun probably contains live ammunition.”

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