jeudi 30 septembre 2010

Une (rare) conséquence positive du protectionnisme Américain... Chine répond en interrompant l'exportation de minéraux essentiels pour la fabrication d'armement high-tech.

Par Mike Shedlock (L'article vaut la peine d'être lu au complet):

Last Sunday in Prepare for Currency/Trade Wars; How Might China Respond to US Tariffs? I mentioned the possibility China might shut off exports of rare earth metals used in making glass for solar panels, motors that help propel hybrid cars like the Toyota Prius, and laser guided bombs.

Indeed, it was the shutoff of rare earth metals to Japan that caused Japan to "cry uncle" and release a Chinese boat captain detained by the Japanese in disputed waters.
The Bright Side

Although "unobtanium" is a cause of concern for warmongers everywhere, being the ever-optimist that I am, I prefer to look at the bright side.

Prices are soaring. Isn't that what Bernanke wants?

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