jeudi 30 juin 2011

L'inversion du progrès par l'État

How Blessed Is the State That Thus Destroyeth the Car - Jeffrey A. Tucker - Mises Daily: "Is reversing a century of progress a good way to make life better? The planners think so, because they have a different idea of what life should be like. They want the city to be more like an ant farm than a place for choosing, dreaming, and accomplishing."

dimanche 26 juin 2011

Les États Unis continuent leur descente vers le totalitarisme

A 95-year-old, 104-pound woman dying of leukemia is forced by the TSA to remove her adult diaper for a patdown. (via Reddit)

The Sickening State « Blog

vendredi 17 juin 2011

Doug Casey sur la monarchie

Doug Casey on the Royal Wedding - Casey Research:

"We read about some great kings who united their people and defeated their foreign enemies, like Alexander the Great. But that just means that Alexander killed his local rivals and set out to plunder others around him, just like any successful gang member might in Los Angeles today. The fact that Alexander built great cities and monuments, encouraged scholarship and learning, and was more enlightened than many of his rivals doesn’t mean that he had the right to kill all the people he killed to build his empire."

jeudi 9 juin 2011

La Citation du jour

Violence is a bit like eating tofu – you should only engage in it when absolutely necessary.

-Anthony Colpo

And You Thought “Getting Shredded” Meant Getting Real Lean… | AnthonyColpo: "Violence is a bit like eating tofu – you should only engage in it when absolutely necessary."

John Hussman sur le 'succès' de la politique inflationniste de la FED

So while the Fed has been successful in fostering speculation, further impoverishing the world's poor through commodity price increases, and subsidizing banks by driving funding costs to zero (at the expense of the risk averse and the elderly), QE2 has clearly failed from an economic standpoint.
Hussman Funds - Weekly Market Comment: Handicapping QE3 - June 6, 2011: "So while the Fed has been successful in fostering speculation, further impoverishing the world's poor through commodity price increases, and subsidizing banks by driving funding costs to zero (at the expense of the risk averse and the elderly), QE2 has clearly failed from an economic standpoint."