mardi 31 mai 2011

La gauche caviar, ou le gouvernement limo

Via le blogue de Robert Limousine Government: Number of Government Limos Has Exploded in Obama Administration

mercredi 25 mai 2011

Les règles de Insider Trading Américaines: 2 poids, 2 mesures...

...quand on apprend qu'elles ne s'appliquent pas aux membres du Congrès ni du Sénat!! Quelle blague!!

The Astounding Trading Abilities Of Congress | "According to a fascinating, and disturbing, article posted at Minyanville today, members of Congresshave an extremely impressive investing and trading track record. Furthermore, the implication is that they are able to achieve 'abnormal returns' due to insider trading, which is NOT prohibited for Senators and members of the House of Representatives and their staff.

Specifically, 'the Securities and Exchange Act does not apply to members of Congress, according to Craig Holman, legislative representative at government watchdog group Public Citizen.'

“Any inside, non-public knowledge they gain can be acted upon,” Holman told Minyanville. “Some of the stories are just… breathtaking.'

A new study titled 'Abnormal Returns From the Common Stock Investments of Members of the U.S. House of Representatives' published in the journal Business and Politics reveals that 'a portfolio that mimics the purchases of House Members beats the market by 55 basis points per month (approximately 6% annually).'"

Fred Reed discute du patriotisme

Patriotism is everywhere thought to be a virtue rather than a mental disorder. I don’t get it.

Patriotism is of course incompatible with morality. This is more explicit in the soldier, a patriot who agrees to kill anyone he is told to kill by the various alpha-dogs—President, Fuehrer, emperor, Duce, generals.

-Fred Reed

Fred On Everything

mercredi 11 mai 2011

La technologie, allié de l'homme libre dans la lutte contre l'oppression

"There is an inextricable connection between freedom and technology. Information empowers people. The information age and information technology are the enemies of centralized bureaucracies and totalitarian states. As information, technological progress, and businesses move faster, it will be increasingly more difficult for the state to keep pace."

-Edward Wayne Younkins, via

The Triumph of Technology over Government Planning - Edward Wayne Younkins - Mises Daily