dimanche 31 octobre 2010

Le despotisme va toujours finir par perdre, inéluctablement.

The Police State Is Doomed, by Gary North

I am perceived by many readers as a pessimist. I am not a pessimist. I am an optimist beyond your wildest imagination. I am an eschatological postmillennialist. There are not many of us. I am also a believer in the free market social order – not just in its superiority in theory, but in its inevitable triumph in history. I believe that Leonard E. Read's book title is correct: Then Truth Will Out.

I am not an optimist with respect to the pathway between here and there. Big Brother lurks in the state-maintained shrubbery of the pathway.

samedi 30 octobre 2010

La technologie: l'allié de la population contre la répression

Ever since my friend Erwin Straus wrote a book called Basement Nukes in the 1970s, in which he argued that the average upper-middle-class American family could build a small nuclear device, I’ve been optimistic that government will not be able to stop progress. And that’s a good thing, because technological advances have always been to the greater benefit of the average man over those in power.

The greatest example of this is the invention of gunpowder, which made it possible for the average peasant to kill the heavily armored thugs – knights – who were dominating them.

-Doug Casey

L'empereur Américain en visite royale en Inde...

...et il se peut que la plèbe Indienne voie ses déplacements gênés par la présence de son altesse:

The highprofile visit is likely to inconvenience the citizens, as there could be a complete clampdown on traffic on some main roads of south Mumbai and sanitisation of buildings flanking them.
The Obamas will stay at the Taj Mahal Hotel, and his itinerary practically means Marine Drive will be shut for vehicular traffic on the day of the President’s visit, while buildings flanking it will be sanitised with security personnel manning them until Obama has left the place. Same would be the case with Obama’s visit to Mani Bhawan and Michelle going to Kamathipura.

An officer with the security establishment said, “Several other arterial roads in south Mumbai will also see restricted traffic movement, with tight security all around. The Obamas are not expected to schedule any engagements in the night due to security reasons.”

Tout cela doit, on imagine, coûter un beau magot aux contribuables Américains.

Merci à Lew Rockwell.

vendredi 29 octobre 2010

L''industrie' la plus mal gérée au Canada

...est celle de la santé, selon un article dans le Canadian Business.

Pas de surprise là n'est-ce-pas? Le gouvernement n'est pas reconnu comme un investisseur et administrateur particulièrement efficace.

Et avant de dire que c'est parce que le système manque de fonds, considérons le passage suivant:

If the Canadian health-care system were a corporation, it would be among the biggest in the world.

Last year, the total amount paid into the system — or the revenues it pulled in, depending on how you look at it — topped out at a record $183.1 billion, enough to earn it third place on the Fortune 500, between oil giants Exxon Mobil and Chevron. And if it were a corporation, it would be in a state of dire crisis.

Le problème, évidemment, se situe au niveau de la gestion de ces fonds:

But according to a growing chorus of health economists, policy analysts and doctors, the real issue is mismanagement — horrible, pervasive inefficiency that is preventing the system from running even close to as well as it could.

Mais quelle sera la solution de nos politiciens vous croyez? Permettre la compétition du secteur privé afin de forcer le système public à être géré mieux ou à faire faillite s'il en est incapable?

Ce serait naïf de croire nos politiciens dotés d'un tel gros bon sens.

Non, la 'solution' passera presque certainement par une augmentation des fonds alloués à ce système en déroute, fonds provenant évidemment de nos taxes, impôts, tarifs, et autres contributions 'volontaires'.

jeudi 28 octobre 2010

Quand les écofascistes s'expriment librement

...ça donne le vidéo No Pressure, financé par les contribuables Britanniques (évidemment! ces gens ne vont presque jamais utiliser leur propre argent pour leur 'cause').

Dans ce vidéo, on voit des gens (incluant 2 enfants d'école) exploser (littéralement) s'ils ne sont pas prêts à reduire leurs émission de CO2 par 10%.

Le vidéo est très violent, et révèle sans aucune ambiguité la mentalité authoritarienne et brutalement anti-humaine qui anime les écofascistes.


J'ai eu vent de ce vidéo à partir de l'article suivant de Ben O'Neill sur Mises.org, qui vaut la peine d'être lu.

Que se passerait-il si personne ne votait?

Article fascinant de Frank Chodorov, datant de 1945.

Why should a self-respecting citizen endorse an institution grounded in thievery? For that is what one does when one votes. If it be argued that we must let bygones be bygones, see what we can do toward cleaning up the institution so that it can be used for the maintenance of an orderly existence, the answer is that it cannot be done; we have been voting for one "good government" after another, and what have we got? Perhaps the silliest argument, and yet the one invariably advanced when this succession of failures is pointed out, is that "we must choose the lesser of two evils." Under what compulsion are we to make such a choice? Why not pass up both of them?

To effectuate the suggested revolution all that is necessary is to stay away from the polls. Unlike other revolutions, it calls for no organization, no violence, no war fund, no leader to sell it out. In the quiet of his conscience each citizen pledges himself, to himself, not to give moral support to an unmoral institution, and on election day he remains at home. That's all. I started my revolution 25 years ago and the country is none the worse for it.

Ordos, en Chine: une ville construite pour 1 million d'habitants, vide

Voilà ce qui arrive quand le gouvernement est en charge de l'allocation des capitaux: des malinvestissements à très grande échelle.

Ces malinvestissements sont aussi connus sous le nom de "bulles'. Et on sait que toutes les bulles finissent par éclater.

La taille de cette bulle est, à mon avis, sans précédent dans l'histoire humaine. Son implosion va avoir des conséquences énormes et profondes.

À voir, les photos donnent froid dans le dos.

Expérience économique historique contrôlée: l'Allemagne après la 2e guerre mondiale

Last century we had the most amazing economic experiment take place when after World War II, Germany was split into two countries with different economic and political systems. But they were the same people, with the same language and culture, separated by a wall. We know how that story ended.

Le NY Times et les médias traditionnels Américains vs Wikileaks, ou la défense de l'Establishment contre la diffusion de la vérité

Focusing on the tabloid aspects of Assange's personal life can have no effect -- and no purpose -- other than to distract public attention away from the heinous revelations about this war and America's role in it, and to cripple WikiLeaks' ability to secure and disseminate future leaks.

It's not hard to see why The New York Times, CNN and so many other establishment media outlets are eager to do that. Serving the Government's interests, siding with government and military officials, and attacking government critics is what they do. That's their role. That's what makes them the "establishment media." Beyond that, the last thing they want is renewed recognition of what an evil travesty the attack on Iraq was, given the vital role they know they played in helping to bring it about and sustain it for all those years (that's the same reason establishment journalists, almost by consensus, opposed any investigations into the Bush crimes they ignored, when they weren't cheering them on).

Sur la foi religieuse que les gens ont en nos 'planificateurs économiques' de la Federal Reserve

The central planners apparently will have to get it 'just right'. If we weigh their 'successes' since the Fed has been in business in its current form, then we see little reason to expect anything good to come from this. The Fed has since 1913 presided over a 96% loss in the currency's purchasing power, one of the biggest depressions in history, the biggest flare-up of inflation in a century and three of the biggest bubbles and busts in all of history. Alas, we allegedly 'need' this central economic planning agency to 'keep the business cycle in check' with a 'flexible currency'. It seems to us from the historical record that the exact opposite is true. The sooner it is realized that we do not need such an agency at all, the better it will be.

mercredi 27 octobre 2010

Un vent de prudence fiscale à Toronto?

La ville de Toronto a élu un nouveau maire, qui selon sa feuille de route, n'a aucune crainte à sabrer dans les dépenses publiques excessives.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Toronto Embraces Fiscal Prudence; Guillotine of Spending Cuts Coming?

A guillotine of spending cuts may be headed Toronto's way after a resounding victory by right-wing candidate Rob Ford. Many Canadians wrote me this evening with the good news.

One of the best of them comes from "Bruno" who writes ...

Hi Mish

I am an avid reader of your blog. I wanted to point out a bit of news that would make you smile. The city of Toronto elected a new mayor last night with a sharp turn to fiscal prudence and rejecting the very very left wing it has been saddled with for most of the past three decades.

Rob Ford who is anything but presentable in the conventional context (very over-weight, loud, sometimes obnoxious) was elected by a landslide garnering more than the second and third place candidates combined. His leading opposition was a man named George Smitherman.

Smitherman is a failed provincial minister of health under whom the ministry blew $1 billion in consulting fees for something called "eHealth" that never resulted to so much as a single shovel turning over in new programs etc. It was a solid rejection of the spending class.

Ford has been a city counsellor for several years and was widely detested by the other counsellors because he never spent any of his allotted budget and actually returned calls from his constituents directly. He kept detailed memos of the waste by the mostly left-leaning counsel such as $12,000 retirement parties, rented bunny suits at local events, taxi bills spent by the transit commissioner, etc. He voiced them every week on a talk radio show and built up a momentum behind him sufficient enough to make the strongest statement yet in Canada in favour of fiscal prudence.

Ford plans to cut city counsel by half, out-source garbage collection, reduce government operating budgets, reduce staff through attrition, cut out all perks for city staff, eliminate many grants to thousands of groups, etc. In short, he wants to do many of the things you write about in your blog.

Will he be successful? Time will tell. Has his "end of the gravy train" message resonated? More than any taxpayer could ever have hoped.

Kind regards,
Bruno K.

lundi 25 octobre 2010

Article de Newsweek, datant de 1975, prédisant un nouvel âge glaciaire causé par l'activité humaine

Je transcris le dernier paragraphe, qui illustre de façon brève et très claire l'idéologie des soi-disant environnementalistes: non pas des scientifiques mais bien des propagandistes statistes purs et durs, pour qui une 'action' de nos 'leaders' gouvernementaux est éternellement urgente et nécessaire.

On note également l'attitude récurrente d'ignorer complètement les conséquences à long-terme des 'solutions' proposées, tout en démontrant une foi surnaturelle envers des politiciens, qui seraient capables de changer la température terrestre en passant des projets de loi (!!).

Comme avait ironisé Petr Skrabanek au sujet de l'attitude des fanatiques de toute trempe:

'If we do not know what to do, then at least let's do it vigorously!'

Climatologists are pessimistic that political leaders will take any positive action to compensate for the climatic change, or even to allay its effects. They concede that some of the more spectacular solutions proposed, such as melting the Arctic ice cap by covering it with black soot or diverting arctic rivers, might create problems far greater than those they solve. But the scientists see few signs that government leaders anywhere are even prepared to take the simple measures of stockpiling food or of introducing the variables of climatic uncertainty into economic projections of future food supplies. The longer the planners delay, the more difficult will they find it to cope with climatic change once the results become grim reality.

The Cooling World

Newsweek, April 28, 1975


Un professeur Émérite de l'American Physical Society démissionne...

...et il explique sa décision par un profond dégoût de la pensée consensus, et même de la corruption, liée au Climategate.

Sent: Friday, 08 October 2010 17:19 Hal Lewis

From: Hal Lewis, University of California, Santa Barbara
To: Curtis G. Callan, Jr., Princeton University, President of the American Physical Society

6 October 2010

How different it is now. The giants no longer walk the earth, and the money flood has become the raison d’être of much physics research, the vital sustenance of much more, and it provides the support for untold numbers of professional jobs. For reasons that will soon become clear my former pride at being an APS Fellow all these years has been turned into shame, and I am forced, with no pleasure at all, to offer you my resignation from the Society.

It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. (Montford’s book organizes the facts very well.) I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that revulsion a definition of the word scientist.

La citation du jour

William F. Buckley over a half century ago came up with a delightful quip. He said that he would prefer to be governed by the first 200 names in the Boston telephone directory than by the faculty of Harvard University. He did not say this because he was a graduate of Yale. He said it because he did not trust the wisdom of a self-selected, tenured or tenure-seeking faculty at the most prestigious academic institution in the United States. In other words, he did not trust the judgment of academicians. He believed that the common sense of the average man is more reliable than the highly rarefied academic skills of the University faculty. I am in agreement with him.

dimanche 24 octobre 2010

La charité, une pathologie occidentale pour se donner bonne conscience

Buffett's and Gates' grandchildren may be working as maids and houseboys for the Chinese. A rich Chinese wouldn't dream of leaving his money to a charity, to be dissipated by the do-gooders, world-improvers, socialites, and socialists who almost invariably infest the board of charities.

jeudi 21 octobre 2010

John Lennon était-il un libertarien dans le placard?


by Bradley Doucet

When it comes to radical, left-wing icons, John Lennon is perhaps second only to Ernesto "Che" Guevara in the minds of many. But while the man who entreated us to "imagine no possessions" was certainly a radical of sorts, his actual socialist bona fides are more questionable.

I began to have my suspicions after watching the 2006 documentary The U.S. vs. John Lennon recently. Intrigued, I then read the extended, book-length version of the interview he and Yoko Ono gave to Playboy Magazine just a couple of months before he was shot dead in December 1980, and judging from this source, John Lennon was practically a libertarian.

Pour la bureaucratie fédérale, les récessions, ça n'existe pas!

Fonction publique fédérale: le club des 100 000$ explose

Publié le 21 octobre 2010

Martin Croteau

(Montréal) Le nombre de fonctionnaires fédéraux qui gagnent plus de 100 000$ a explosé l'an dernier, conséquence de la signature de nombreuses conventions collectives touchant les travailleurs fédéraux. On en comptait plus de 40 000 au cours de la dernière année financière, un bond de 70% par rapport à l'année précédente.

Pour la bureaucratie fédérale, les récessions, ça n'existe pas!

L'histoire officielle: glorification des meutriers de masse

Who is studied and idolized in the history books? Is it people like Edison, the Wright Brothers, Leonardo, Newton, Ford, or Pasteur? Not really; they just get a passing nod. The ones who get statues built to them and are engraved on the collective memory are conquerors and mass murderers – Alexander, Caesar, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, and a whole bunch of U.S. presidents.

-Doug Casey

Une autre fraude bancaire, immense: le foreclosuregate

Par David Descôteaux, via journalmetro.com:

Le «Foreclosure-gate»: la plus grande fraude de l’histoire?

Publié: 13 octobre 2010 13:57
Mis à jour: 13 octobre 2010 14:04

Imaginez la scène. Sans emploi depuis des mois, vous devez rendre les clés de votre maison à la banque. Pas un, mais trois représentants de banques différentes cognent à votre porte. Chacun d’eux tient dans ses mains un certificat de propriété pour votre maison. Après vérification, les trois papiers sont… des faux! Et personne ne sait qui possède votre maison.

On pensait avoir tout vu des banquiers de Wall Street. Mais le «Foreclosure-gate» pourrait battre tous les records de fraude financière… et nous replonger tous au cœur d’une nouvelle crise.

Le Royaume-Uni abandonne la religion Keynesienne

Keynesian Nonsense Falls Out of Favor in UK - Thank God!

At long last, Keynesian nonsense is recognized for the nonsense that it is. The New York Times reports In Britain, Keynesians Fall Out of Favor

Apôtre réchauffiste congédié de Wikipédia

October 14, 2010 – 9:32 pm

William Connolley, arguably the world’s most influential global warming advocate after Al Gore, has lost his bully pulpit. Connolley did not wield his influence by the quality of his research or the force of his argument but through his administrative position at Wikipedia, the most popular reference source on the planet.

Through his position, Connolley for years kept dissenting views on global warming out of Wikipedia, allowing only those that promoted the view that global warming represented a threat to mankind. As a result, Wikipedia became a leading source of global warming propaganda, with Connolley its chief propagandist.

His career as a global warming propagandist has now been stopped, following a unanimous verdict that came down today through an arbitration proceeding conducted by Wikipedia. In the decision, a slap-down for the once-powerful Connolley by his peers, he has been barred from participating in any article, discussion or forum dealing with global warming. In addition, because he rewrote biographies of scientists and others he disagreed with, to either belittle their accomplishments or make them appear to be frauds, Wikipedia barred him — again unanimously — from editing biographies of those in the climate change field.

Merci à Antagoniste.net.

George Carlin et le vote

Désolé, je n'arrive pas à mettre le vidéo directement sur le blogue...

Quel génie ce Carlin.

L'échec du système éducatif

If there is a provable relationship between formal education and intelligence, it is probably an inverse one. The more letters you have behind your name (MBA, PhD, JD, MFA, CPA) the greater level of stupidity one likely possesses, as the attainment of a higher level of education means that one has been exposed for a far longer time period than the average citizen to the indoctrination process.

La citation du jour

“If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.”

mardi 19 octobre 2010

La cote de crédit du gouvernement fédéral Américain: inversement proportionnel au degré de liberté dans le monde

Liberty will receive a shot in the arm when this phrase provokes universal laughter: "The full faith and credit of the United States." That day is fast approaching. The credit rating of the United States government will be marked down from AAA to AA. It will then be marked down to A. For every notch down that it falls, the national day of deliverance draws closer. American liberty is measured inversely to the credit rating of the United States government

lundi 18 octobre 2010

La mythologie du 'manger local' et de l'autosuffisance alimentaire

L'autosuffisance alimentaire n'est pas gage de développement durable (Cahier de recherche)

par Hiroko Shimizu, Pierre Desrochers
jeudi 7 octobre 2010.

Le mouvement en faveur de la souveraineté alimentaire et de l’agriculture de proximité qui fait la promotion d’une plus grande autosuffisance alimentaire a pris beaucoup d’ampleur depuis quelques années. Contrairement aux préoccupations traditionnelles liées à la sécurité alimentaire visant à assurer un accès régulier à une alimentation saine, nutritive et suffisante, la souveraineté alimentaire est le droit présumé pour une communauté politique de définir ses propres politiques agricoles dans la mesure où elle ne compromet pas les politiques d’autrui. Les deux implications majeures de cette approche sont, d’une part, l’opposition à la libéralisation du commerce agricole et la protection de producteurs locaux non concurrentiels, et de l’autre, l’opposition aux exportations agricoles subventionnées qui constituent une concurrence déloyale pour les producteurs étrangers ne bénéficiant pas d’un tel support. Au niveau local, la souveraineté alimentaire favorise le maintien d’une agriculture de proximité pour alimenter les marchés régionaux et nationaux.

Nombre d’arguments sont invoqués pour promouvoir une approche qui est l’antithèse de l’agriculture industrielle moderne. L’agriculture de proximité créerait plus d’emplois et de retombées économiques régionales. Elle réduirait les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et les pertes de valeur nutritive liées au transport des aliments. De multiples productions vivrières à petite échelle augmenteraient la sécurité alimentaire des populations en les soustrayant aux aléas du commerce mondial (hausse rapide des prix, refus d’alimenter les populations étrangères en cas de crise, etc.) et serait davantage compatible avec la promotion de la biodiversité et du développement durable que les monocultures à grande échelle basées sur les produits chimiques et les organismes génétiquement modifiés. Le protectionnisme agricole protégerait les populations locales contre le dumping d’aliments moins nutritifs ou produits dans des conditions moins désirables pour la nature et les paysans. Finalement, l’agriculture de proximité favoriserait une relation plus étroite avec la nourriture, les producteurs voisins et le passage des saisons.

À notre connaissance, les leaders intellectuels des divers mouvements faisant la promotion de ces idées n’ont jamais véritablement discuté des contraintes géographiques, économiques et de sécurité alimentaire ayant historiquement motivé le passage de l’agriculture de subsistance à l’agriculture commerciale et, par la suite, le développement de la chaîne d’approvisionnement planétaire. Notre objectif dans ce Cahier de recherche est de combler cette lacune et d’illustrer par le fait même que leurs recommandations ne feront qu’aggraver les problèmes qu’ils disent vouloir adresser. Bien que notre argumentation de nature historique s’appuie principalement sur des sources francophones rédigées entre la fin du dix-huitième et le début du vingtième siècle, nous jugeons nos conclusions universelles dans la mesure où des problématiques et des constats similaires sont observables durant cette période dans toutes les économies développées.

L'expérience des rues sans feux de circulation

The Praxeology and Ethics of Traffic Lights

Mises Daily: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 by

t's over. There can be no hope for the state now. Its time has finally come to an end. If you think this is irrationally optimistic, click here and watch the video. You will see the state's raison d'être smashed asunder.

How often do you hear the minarchist say, "Well, I don't like government, but we at least need things like traffic laws. We need a government to keep us safe"? For all those who call libertarians crazy for wanting to abolish the Federal Reserve, how much more dangerous and criminal would they accuse us of being if we actually began to publicly advocate the abolition of traffic regulations? Yet, here it is, on video, for the entire world to see, that Hobbes was wrong.

Martin Cassini, a photographer and advocate for road deregulation, has produced a marvelous series of videos documenting the results of the Cabstand Junction Trial that started in September of 2009 in North Somerset, in Great Britain. The videos, which can be viewed on his website FitRoads.comand on YouTube, show the remarkable before and after results of the experiment.

La seule issue possible aux troubles économico-politiques actuels: un retour à l'étalon-or

Antal Fekete On Why The Gold Standard Must Be Rehabilitated

Tyler Durden's picture

Courtesy of Safe Harbor, must read speech delivered by Antal Fekete ealier today.

The Deep Cause Of The Great Financial Crisis: The Peace Diktat Of Versailles

Speech delivered at the Munich Economic Talks, October 6, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen,

According to a recent news item, not widely circulated, after more than 90 years of slavery, on October 3, 2010, Germany made the final payment for its World War I debt. This event is highly symbolic. It gives me great pleasure to be one of the first to congratulate you, literally hours after the German people were finally freed from debt slavery.

I have been a student of money and credit for over fifty years. I could summarize the result of my studies as follows: Most, if not all, the great events in the history of mankind since the advent of money, have a causal explanation. The causes are to be found in the use or abuse of money and credit -- provided that we penetrate historiography sufficiently deeply.

samedi 16 octobre 2010

Gauche vs Droite: débat stérile

La gauche et la droite se rejoignent de fait dans leur acceptation du politique. Alors que les libertariens souhaitent diminuer le plus possible la sphère du politique et, en bout de ligne, l'abolir complètement par une privatisation complète de toutes les fonctions de l'État, la gauche comme la droite veulent imposer leurs valeurs à tous au moyen de la coercition étatique. Les valeurs et les fins diffèrent, mais le moyen utilisé est le même.

jeudi 7 octobre 2010

Howard Buffett et son fils Warren: la pomme est tombée loin de l'arbre!

But when you recall that one of the first moves by Lenin, Mussolini and Hitler was to outlaw individual ownership of gold, you begin to sense that there may be some connection between money, redeemable in gold, and the rare prize known as human liberty.
- Howard Buffett (Père de Warren Buffett et ancien Congressman Américain)

mercredi 6 octobre 2010

The Greater Depression

Why do I bring up these examples? Because it’s clear to me the U.S. is heading in the direction of Russia before 1990, or Haiti today. Not in absolute terms, of course. But everything the U.S. government is doing – raising taxes, increasing regulations, and inflating the currency – is not only the wrong thing to do, but exactly the opposite of the right thing.

mardi 5 octobre 2010

Les riches se protègent de la dévaluation des monnaies-papier

...en achetant de l'or...à la tonne parfois (!!).

Merci à Lew Rockwell.

Mendiance à Québec

New Nordiques rallying cry: We want it free! We want it free!

October 4, 2010 – 10:31 am

The great thing about Quebec politics is that it’s not subtle.

In most provinces, if they wanted to squeeze money out of Ottawa to build a new hockey arena, they’d put up a big show about how hard they were working to raise some of the money themselves. You know — like trying to get rich local people to invest in the project, or rounding up wealthy corporations to buy in. It’s not like there are no successful businesses in Quebec that might be enticed to risk a few million on a new arena, for the sake of good community relations, or maybe as a show of their gratitude.

But not Quebec. No, in Quebec you don’t even have to pretend to pay for your own arenas. Need $400 million? Get $200 million out of the province, $50 million from the city, then start screaming that Ottawa owes you the rest. And vow that if Harper doesn’t come through with it, he’ll never get another vote from the good people of Quebec City. It’s Le Strategy de Danny Williams. Give us money or we screech REALLY LOUD!!

But wait a minute. Doesn’t Quebec already get $8.5 billion in equalization payments? Every year? And aren’t they always bragging about what a dynamic, entrepreneurial business culture they have?

So why should the rest of Canada buy them a new arena as an extra added bonus?

Because otherwise they’ll screech REALLY LOUD, that’s why. And you know how hard it is to ignore a child having a tantrum.

National Post

Merci à Antagoniste.net.

dimanche 3 octobre 2010

La finalité de l'État-Providence

This mechanism can “work” - for a while - but the result is that there are more people dependent on the State than there are people who are able to create the wealth on which the State depends. This situation is inherent in all welfare states, approaching in most of them, and already here in one. That state is Japan.

samedi 2 octobre 2010

La citation du jour

R.J. Rummel of the University of Hawaii calculates that in the twentieth century alone, states murdered about 162,000,000 million of their own subjects. This figure doesn’t include the tens of millions of foreigners they killed in war.